Sunday, January 15, 2012

Long distance sewing

Dear Annie -
So I finished the Pamela's pencil skirt! Of course it's the easiest kind of skirt to sew, so no triumph of stitching skills there, but I think the success of this kind of skirt is in the fit and in the choice of fabric. Score and score. And talk about nearly instant gratification. I ordered the pattern last Friday, got it on Tuesday. Saw the fabric on EmmaOneSock on Tuesday, got it on Friday. Outfit ready for work on Monday
I'm wearing it with the Loes Hinse Criss Cross top in a peculiar green cotton knit. For some reason, this weird green that should go with nothing, goes with everything. Purple? But of course. Blue? Naturally. I wish I had more of it.
Over the criss cross top is Marcy Tilton's Vogue 8559, made with black cotton knit and black mesh knits, bought at her booth at Sewing Expo in Puyallup last year. I have high hopes for stocking up on fabric again this year at her booth.
An easy day of sewing produces great satisfaction! Would that it were always so painless.
xoxo, Sis
p.s. O dear, I just looked at the photos and realized I'm standing so that the LH top is twisted. I'm not really that hunchy. One should never look at photos of oneself

PPS.  Sis's husband liked the outfit so much he made a reservation for tonight at Ivar's Salmon House so she can debut it. -- xoxo, Annie (who will get canned soup and a Hostess cupcake for dinner)


Annie said...

It's a gorgeous outfit! The skirt fits beautifully and will go with so many things. Congratulations.

pam said...

I have to agree. What a nice outfit. I love the green-goes-with-everything top and the wrap really pulls it all together.

Sis said...

Thanks Pam, I appreciate the compliment!