Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Working on the Burda pattern

Well, my machine is still gone away being repaired, so I'm working on non-sewing sewing.  This morning I decided to tackle the Burda pattern, and it turned out to be sooo easy!

First I decided on the size, and marked the box showing the pieces I needed to find.

Then I got out the supplies I would need:  Swedish pattern paper, tracing paper, a knitting needle (to use in place of a tracing wheel, so I wouldn't ruin the pattern) and a straight edge.

Now to find the pieces.  The box tells me I need pieces 1 - 6, that they are marked in black and that I'll find them on sheet D.  So far so good; D is hard to miss.  To find the individual pieces, look at the numbers printed along the top and bottom of the sheet.  They tell you exactly where the pieces you are looking for are located!  A miracle!  Then you just have to concentrate on seeing only the lines you're interested in.  I am so impressed.

And here's Annie's new pattern!  Well, it is kind of hard to see my markings, but they are there.

Now I'm going to rest from my labors, and read through the instructions.

The good life (Minkie version)

Almost forgot, I need to add one more thing.  What more could any little girl cat ask for, than a freshly laundered table cloth and mommy's purse to lie on, with fresh flowers and the newest Vogue pattern magazine to paw through.  Looks pretty pleased with herself, doesn't she?

Pure heaven!

Jack, of course, has his own idea of heaven, but I don't want to know what it is.  (Don't click on this picture, it's even worse close up.)

1 comment:

Sis said...

Good Lord, what is Jack doing? And thanks for setting me up - Of Course I clicked on the picture!