Monday, March 7, 2011

Not your ordinary sewing book cover

I own a lot of sewing books  (please see my page on old sewing books), most of which have nice sensible covers that convey authority and reliability, good no nonsense books.  But a few are waaaayyy out in left field and I thought I'd share some of my favorites with you.  Like this charming book from the 50s:
Sewing magic for teen-agers
I love her big head, tiny waist, and that tiny triangle of a bosom under her right arm.

This one is undated, maybe from the 60s?  I don't know about you, but this one really makes me want to grab my needle and stick a thimble on my head.  She appears at the head of each chapter to cheer you on, or maybe give you a jab with that needle.
Adventures in sewing

I know the war was hard on everyone, but was it really necessary for Vogue to change from this in 1936
Vogue's book of smart dressmaking

To this, in 1942
Vogue's book of smart dressmaking
What were they thinking?  It looks like Ms Vampirehands just ripped a hole in the cover of what would have been a fairly sedate book.  It's so black, it's so red, it's so fascist.  Hmm, when did the Germans seize Paris?

And here's my all time favorite.  I know I have seen this cover scores of times. I'm sure I shelved it dozens of times.  But it wasn't until just recently that I actually looked at it.  As my friend Steve would say, weird with a beard, man.  Here she is, Edwina Scissorhands!  The hand is bad enough, but what's with the open mouth?  Is she trying to tell us something?  She doesn't seem unhappy about having been "altered."  What do you think? 
Simplicity sewing book

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