Sunday, April 3, 2011

Jamaica Mistake -- finished!

And hardly a mistake in it (and I wouldn't tell you anyway).  Did you ever see such sweet curves, such a miracle of top- edgestitching?  Well, except for Sis's (whew, that was close).  I can hardly believe I did it!  As usual, waiting for the rain to stop so I can take more pictures.


Sis said...

Wow, I can't believe the perfection of your curves! Errr, Jamaica's curves. Do you use an edgestitching foot? Please reveal your secrets.

Annie said...

Nope, I just lined up the edge with my usual foot. Can't believe it worked.

pam said...

Wow! I am impressed. What a steady hand you must have. Now bring on the sunshine so we can all go outside in short sleeves!

Annie said...

Thank you! This will make a good zoo blouse, if the weather would just cooperate.