Sunday, January 2, 2011

One tool every sewing room needs

Today I actually sewed a finger, well nicked it anyway.  I can't believe I did it.  I haven't sewn any part of me since the time in 1967 or 1968 when I put the needle right through my thumb, nail and all.  (Sis regularly sews her hair, but don't tell her I said so).  So my newest sewing room tool:

I'm nearly done with my new coat (Butterick 4928, aka Diagon Alley Coat, because of the diagonal stripe), and it's going to be a beauty, especially without a finger sewn to it.  I just have hems and handwork left.  I'd finish it today but I wore myself out wrassling with it this morning.  Wool coats and their linings are heavy!

For all of Minkie's fans who are anxious for news:  She is weaker and thinner, and her seizures are coming more and more often, and I think she must be bruised all over from falling.  But the good news is she goes in for treatment tomorrow!


Sis said...

I DO sew my hair occasionally, and I don't even have long hair anymore! I'm so near-sighted I have to lean in pretty close...and my bangs get caught in the uptake lever. Maybe I should wear a hair net? A snood, perhaps? I just know one day I'll have to take the machine in for a cleaning and they'll find a big hairball. Sigh.

Year of the Cat said...

I wonder if they have ever conducted a study comparing which bandaid works better, those with Hello Kitty, or, those with Spongebob Squarepants?

Hope the vet visit had good results.